
Dr. Bill and I have exchanged messages about this subject, and he presented the fact that indeed misc- is the root of the word, per Latin miscere (to mix), so it seems proper it should be emphasized. But from this root comes the Latin miscellus, for which both of the first two syllables are long (and it sounds better saying miss-KELL-us or miss-CELL-us, eh?)[.] Then those silly Latins added another suffix and created the word "miscellaneus", in which the "mis" and the "a" are emphasized (and the "a" is probably more emphasized) - and this is the word from which we get miscellan y/eous. So I'm sure "MIS-cell-EY'-nee-us" is the more proper. Maybe misCELLanee is just a corruption.

Edit: oops, misread your post.

I say MISS-sell-LANE-e-yuss (greatest accent on "lane").