Miss Perry and the lady from Mountain Brook

As always, I look for a moral in your stories, themilum, and it seems to be this:

There is no reward for being right in the wrong circles.

This is a lesson you have yet to master, themilum.

But how can I fault you? I have never learned that lesson myself.

All the role models kids study in the classroom speak their minds honestly and openly, and oftimes courageously when their positions are not agreeable to the establishment or people in positions of authority.

That's what kids read in their history books, themilum. But their authority figures sometimes set an example of what the heroes of history were struggling against.

I suspect that your fearless honesty has cost you some career opportunities, themilum. Such integrity is held in high esteem by few nowadays [if it ever was].

If university professors weren't protected by tenure, they would surely perish for publishing some of their best opinions.