My Hindi is progressing at an undefined pace.

I love this sentence. Can I use it sometime? It can be attached to any subject. "How's your report coming on?" "Oh, my report is progrssing at an undefined pace."

It'll baffle people just enough that they won't push for more in, "undefined?? what did she mean by undefined. Is there a meaning I don't know about. I won't ask just in case in makes me sound ignorant."

Yup. I think I shall adopt it if you don't mind.

It confirmed that being left-handed is not the reason my attempts at writing devanagari are unreadable.

Isn't it annoying when your excuse for something gets tossed aside so easily. And by a little kid, too. It's like the last time I went skiing and immediately fell...some little kid zipped up, swooshed to a perfect stop and said "Do you need help, ma'am?"