we've run wordminstral off? Ha, that's a good one..

wordminstral is like that cat who keeps coming back.. announcements of his departure, are usually false (even when they come from him!) and when true, never very long lasting...

Fer sure, one thing that we all can agree on is, we are all pretty self determaning.

i come, or go, stay, post, scan or ignore based on my needs, not on anyone's dictums, and everyone here does pretty much the same.. i don't think my misspelling have the power to drive tsuwm off, (even if i have cost him a few hairs) and no matter how much of fetish exist with washing pigs, i still check in..

AWAD is like a long established habit, once developed, the habit pretty much sticks. (even when we make claims we are giving it up for good, Really this time i mean it..