Therefore the question was rhetorical. Not that that implies it has no meaning, just one outside my bailiwick.

Nothing, at least nothing within the world of ideas, is "outside your bailiwick", jheem, as you have so ably and eloquently demonstrated time and time again, thread after thread.

It is a treat to encounter your mind here in this forum, and one of the best reasons I can think of for visiting and revisiting AWADtalk.

Mind, I did say "one of the best reasons".

There are many knowledgeable, original and imaginative minds at play here.

What an embarrassment of riches if there were only more.

I say "embarassment" of riches, jheem, because there are those who may lament your extraordinary qualities of mind if they attract the likes of Wordminstrel to this forum.

I feel rather like Ralph Nader must feel, running for a job he can't possibly win, with his dearest admirers begging him to leave the field.

I personally feel Nader should leave the field, altho I am one of his admirers as well. Perhaps I should take heed of my own advice. Perhaps, I will.

Play on, jheem. And damned be he who first cries "Hold, enough!"