Please refrain from using words to explain your ideas on this. Thanks.

I enjoyed that, jheem. Nicely done.

But, as we both know, neither ideas nor words built the pyramids or sent mankind to the moon. Yet, within the arc of these triumphant accomplishments, we both of us know that ideas are pre-eminent.

I simply put words in their proper place in the continuum - somewhere in between the conception of the idea, presumably in a blaze of revelatory passion, and the execution of the idea.

Words divorced from a seminal idea are simply gibberish or, perhaps, a stream of consciousness. By themselves, they are not even "bricks". They are pebbles thrown up in a thrashing tide, certainly nothing to arouse anyone to action.

And let us not forget passion and conviction - passion which is neither an idea nor a word, but raw emotion - the fuel which will blast the triumphant idea into reality. As the poet said: "Nothing great is accomplished without passion."

If words by themselves were all that Amemeba has claimed them to be, albeit in a dazzle of swashbuckling verbosity, then Jackie Gleason would have the credit for sending the first person to the moon.

"To the moon, Alice!"