My gripe is due in part to the fact that Wright could have used a simpler and more direct term: immigrants.

Since you are a "descriptivist", and not a "prescriptivist", our differences are not ideological, and that is certainly a relief, AW.

Still, I can't agree that "immigrant Morroccan" means the same thing as "diaspora Morroccan".

An "immigrant" is one who emigrates, usually alone or with their family, to make a new life in a new country offering new opportunities for individual advancement.

A "diasphora" is an entire community of people who feel stigmatized as a community in their homeland. They emigrate to escape persecution. A good example, I suggest, is the Quakers who landed on Plymouth Rock.

BTW I do not think there is any qualitative difference between "diaspora Morroccans" and "Morroccan diaspora".