Well, here you all are! I wanted to send a bit of cheer and parent-ly advice and so my note is in miscellany!
But good wishes can never be sent too often. So here they are with a special wish for a happy day to emanuella.
Ramadan just ended, Hanukkah is in progress, the winter solstice is being celebrated and we start the 12 days of Christmas today. Surely there must be some wonderfulness going on in Asian countries, too! So one way or another, I wish you all peace and joy and the love of friends and family. To all AWADtalk members, especially, a heartfelt Thank You from me for your kindness, patience and genial collegiality in accepting my posts. Oh, and I really really really do thank you for the laughs along the way. There is a special place in heaven for those who make others laugh and see the absurdity in life.
I'm getting too too sentimental.
For all those "bah humbug" folk ... have a great day if for no other reason than that you have a paid day off!
Merry Christmastide