re:cure for the effect (i.e., used externally) or for the condition (internally) ??

having a senior moment Rhuby? i remember we had a discussion on kaolin:
Main Entry: ka·o·lin
Pronunciation: 'kA-&-l&n
Function: noun
Etymology: French kaolin, from Gaoling hill in China
: a fine usually white clay that is used in ceramics and refractories, as a filler or extender, and in medicine especially as an adsorbent in the treatment of diarrhea

the Kao (in kaopectate-- a common over the counter cure for diarrhea.) the other half Pectin, is an fruit gum, (commonest in apples). Pectin can be purchased in US grocery stores under the brand name 'Sure-Jel'. its used by home 'canners' to make sure their fruit jellies and Jams 'set up'

of course, stales confused the hell out the situation by using another name for kaolin --but his description, a clay that absorbs water, and is used as a medicine for diarrhea, fits kaolin!

maybe he can elaborate on all the differnt clay compound used this way..

(eating dirt, can sometimes be a pica-or sometimes a sound medical practice!)