Hi again, of troy. I trust that it is OK to apply that tag to you - I find that your mum and dad's first rubric for you would disqualify this post from participating in your quiz. My first qualifying post was short - six or so words only. I thought I should try a post with many words so that I truly grasp how difficult it is to do it without violation. I find that it is fascinating to try this task without compromising my post's flavour, or causing awkward syntax, as tsuwm said in a prior submission. I don't think that I am doing particularly brilliantly right now. I do think, though, that if an author was to try this a lot, truly with application, that said difficulty and artificiality of wording would diminish and that this man or woman (or boy or girl) would start to know a lot of common handy substitutions and sayings.

I find that I am using - a tad too much?- a lookup list to aid in substitution of "good" words for words that do not qualify. It is amazing how that tricky fifth symbol lurks around, just waiting for an opportunity to spring forth and show his dial, much to my chagrin. Notwithstanding all my caution, it is with timidity and worry that I am composing this. I think that I will now run this story through a symbol-locating computing application - if you catch my drift - to confirm that it will in fact satisfy all conditions laid down by you and that it will obtain your approval.

Having said all that, this rambling submission is on a topic of my choosing, a topic on which I can adopt any standpoint. It would call for worthy - and wordy - skill to do this on a random topic laid down by a third party, to wit - massaging into conformity a story by a famous author. Or, say, with an additional strain of doing it within a particular chronological slot.

That's all that I am going to say in this post. I wish to finish by saying that I am actually warming to of troy's task and I think I could go on in this fashion for many paragraphs, but I will now pass this opportunity on to additional pundits of our AWADtalk community.


The idiot also known as Capfka ...