But, if s/he means that somehow the sounds /w/ and /r/ have something to do with twisting and turning, then we part company. The other words in the list that are not related to the *wer- root(s) prove that.

"The stars impel, they do not compel", jheem.

The "wr" sound at the beginning of a word might have impelled the creation of words with a meaning harmonious with the "wr" sound.

Words like the words IsIsIs has enumerated so persuasively.

Since this was an innate predisposition, not the result of systematic or even conscious selection, many "wr" words would and did arise which had nothing to do with the idea of 'twisting'.

That doesn't make IsIsIs' postulation any less tenable.

I don't know anything about those "PIE roots" of yours, but common sense trumps rhubarb pie any day.