I think that you have found a faux relationship between words beginning with "wr" and a meaning of "twist".

IsIsIs will explain for herself, but I don't think IsIsIs was postulating a connection between "wr" words and the word "twist" itself, only a connection between "wr" words and the idea of 'twisting'.

She could have said "entwine", "twirl" or even "wrench", instead.

Personally, I think IsIsIs has got something there.

"wr" words have a certain "wring" to them.

No wonder we try to wring as much value out of the sound as we can.

Good insight, IsIsIs.

If this is a sample of what is to come, Grapho, for one, is looking forward to more IsIsIs.

I just hope we can figure out a way to abbreviate your moniker.

May I call you Izz for short?

Or how about "Wrizz"?