tits, both attracted to shiny things and natural peckers of things, mostly learned this independently

What you say makes sense, shanks.

Re: the sunshine "brutally against the apotheosis of natural phenomena" warrior

If you understand the term "natural phenomena" to mean something for which there is no scientific explanation, than I am brutally opposed to that hypothesis myself.

I have always understood "natural phenomena" to be phenomena in respect of which no scientific explanation has yet been found, or, if found, phenomena not generally comprehended by the public on a scientific basis (like "Northern Lights" or "Magnetic Hill", both of which instill wonder in all but the most jaded scientific types).

Because I view "natural phenomena" in this way, I do not regard the term as antithetical to my faith in science.

Instead, I find myself involuntarily, and intensely curious about the scientific mystery underpinning the "natural phenomena".

That mystery can have more allure than the "natural phenomenon" itself, experienced and enjoyed for itself alone.

Unfortunately, I do not have the skills or the opportunity to pursue that curiosity, at least directly. Few of us do.

For many of us, a mysterious bird in the bush is worth two or more in the hand.
