Pathetic, quite pathetic. I really don't like to see a grown man like on the floors and drum his heels to get his way.

And, besides, I could find no mention of "fiasco" or "huckery" made by anyone on this board called "sjmaxq". However, in the interest of fair dos, here's "fiasco":

fiˇasˇco ( P )
n. pl. fiˇasˇcoes or fiˇasˇcos
A complete failure.
[French, from Italian fare fiasco, to make a bottle, fail, from fiasco, bottle (perhaps translation of French bouteille, bottle, error, used by the French for linguistic errors committed by Italian actors on the 18th-century French stage), from Late Latin flasc. See flask.]

This fron Webster's Unabridged 1998, so if it's garbage, at least it hasn't had much time to smell bad.

"Huckery" as in "the Huckery Mole" is the title of a book and nothing else accord to Google. Since I think that the use of "huckery" in association with anything other than "mole" is rather arbitrary and derogatory, I think you have assume that "huckery" means "bad" in the sense of "ugly", and also assume that it's so rare it's not even acknowledged by the slangmeisters ...