I realize that some of the threads here may be intimidating; I know they were for me, at first. There are people here with mighty intellects and formidable knowledge of words and language.

However, I would venture to say that the majority of us are just "regular" people who enjoy discussing language-related topics. (Any or all of you "regulars", feel free to disavow that statement. Just note: I didn't say "normal"! ) We old-timers have had some discussions around these differences, and have so far been unable to come up with anything better than, "Read what you want to read, and skip the rest." We have tried, a few times, setting up that certain threads or categories will be for such-and-such, but human nature being what it is, that soon falls apart. I for one would welcome suggestions on how to resolve anyone's unhappiness with the way things are. I am also rather glad I'm not one of the "big boys"; they must get so weary of having to explain the same things, again and again and again. Anyway--

I hereby invite you to join in actively. Make a post wherever you feel the most comfortable. Even if it's "only" an opinion, that's fine. An experience ("I've always heard/said it this way...", for ex.) is fine. Someone here once said that the only stupid question is the one you didn't ask. So... You will find practical info. on the technicalities, and more, about this place, in Tips for Newcomers at the top of this category. We are by and large nice people here, and unlikely to snap your head off. If there's "snapping" going on, something unusual must have happened. So--please stick your toes in--no need to fear sharks! :-)