>I think you're right, its something on the order of the NY State (downstate) Correctional facilities at Sing Sing ... but the prison has always been known Sing-Sing. The town got tired of giving their name to the prison, so they changed it to Osinging-- both names came from indian place names for area.

Another myth shot ALL to hell!

In 1825, $20,100 was appropriated to buy the 130 acre site, named after the Sint Sinck Native Americans. By May, Mr. Lynds had selected 100 convicts from the Auburn prison and brought them by barge along the Erie Canal to freighters down the Hudson River. They arrived in Sing Sing on May 14, "without a place to receive them or a wall to enclose them."
Eventually, the system was phased out after labor unions established their opposition to prison-made goods. The municipalities of Sing Sing changed their name to Ossining in 1901, when goods from local manufacturers were boycotted because of the "Sing Sing" connection.


Thank you, dear lady. You have educated me yet again. Another entry in the never-ending book of lies taught us by our teachers.