"Eureka!" Re: urban decay

"Urban Decay" is definitely what you want. And I've got the marketing slogan:

"You can go anywhere in Urban Decay."

In fact, nowadays, Urban Decay is just about everywhere.
Urban Decay. Definitely the lipstick for our times.

Urban Decay will never wear out. It just crumbles around you.

It is SO hot! It's almost Depraved.

Save Depraved for all the wrong places.

"Depraved will get you in" but it comes with a "Caution".
"You may never get out."

BTW if your character requires a selection of lipsticks so she can change her look to suit her mood, how about "Strawberry Tart"? Or "Urban Underbelly"? [Oops! That's that an eau de parfum.]