yeah, this is one of the words suggested to me by the current webmaster at OneLook® as being woefully in need of coverage, because of all the (mis)hits they were getting for it. also see confusticate..

here's what I sent out at the time:
the worthless word for the day is: trepidacious

fearful; agitated; trembling: trepid

this neologism has yet to be recognized by
lexicographers; in fact it is on the Vocabula
Review's Worst Words list -- but it gets a few
hundred Google® hits, and lots of folks attempt to
look it up at OneLook®. [actually, trepidatious does get more googlets]

I'd say, if you need something that means not intrepid,
and can't bear fearful, why not go back to the root?
trepid is a far better choice in many ways.