a WAG for Albany grabs might be apples (almost rotten apples).. NY is a still a big apple producer, and by
May, many of the 'keeper' apples would be 'going off'
(they would have been shipped downriver from albany...and sold in poor neighborhoods.

one image (in NYC) of the great depression of the 1930 was apple sellers on the street. 1929 and 1930 were bumper years for apple crops, the market was flooded with out of work people hawking apples.. (think of Runyon's stories of the time.)

(NY Whitefish are 'extinct' now for the most part. 99.9% of NYC's waste water is treated.. when it wasn't, the north(hudson) river used to rich with used condoms that would fill with water and float downstream.) NYer have interesting names for things.