I thought I remembered having seen this word in AWADtalk,
but Search didn't find it. From O.Henry "The Coming Out of Maggie":
"But to-night the pumpkin had turned to a coach and six. Terry O'Sullivan was a victorious Prince Charming, and Maggie Toole winged her first butterfly flight. And though our tropes of fairyland be mixed with those of entomology they shall not spill one drop of ambrosia from the rose-crowned melody of Maggie's one perfect night."

trope [trəʊp]
1 (Rhetoric) a word or expression used in a figurative sense

2 an interpolation of words or music into the plainsong settings of the Roman Catholic liturgy
[ETYMOLOGY: 16th Century: from Latin tropus figurative use of a word, from Greek tropos style, turn; related to trepein to turn]