all the wimple and nun stuff.. and i thought about dowager, and its relationship to dowery...

which are related (not to big a leap) to donation.. and that led me to do.. as an EI root..

DEFINITION: To give. Oldest form *de3-, colored to *do3-, contracted to *d-.
Derivatives include betray, surrender, vend, dose, and antidote.
1a. Zero-grade form *d-. dado, date1, dative, datum, die2; add, betray, edition, perdition, render, rent1, surrender, tradition, traitor, treason, vend, from Latin dare, to give; b. Greek dosis, something given (see 4 below). 2. Suffixed form *d-no-. donation, donative, donor; condone, pardon, from Latin dnum, gift. 3. Suffixed form *d-t(i)-. a. dot2, dowager, dower, dowry; endow, from Latin ds (genitive dtis), dowry; b. dacha, from Russian dacha, gift, dacha, from Slavic *datja; c. samizdat, from Russian samizdat, samizdat, from dat', to give. 4. Suffixed form *d-ro-. lobster thermidor, Pandora, from Greek dron, gift. 5. Reduplicated form *di-d-. dose; anecdote, antidote, apodosis, epidote, from Greek didonai, to give, with zero-grade noun dosis (< *d-ti-), something given. (Pokorny d- 223.)

what an intesting collection of words -- who'd a thought betray would be related? -- and i never made the connections between dora (as in pandora) and donation..duh!
it seems perfectly obvious now!