yes the corn is made inedible, but the fungus fruit (the mushrooms) don't have any of the associated problems--

Ergotamine tartrate was used as potent uterine muscle stimulant. Very cautiously. Now a synthetic product methergine is preferred.--i remember reading about this when i was pregnant (30 some years ago) liberated women objected strenuously to its use, and the use of the synthetic. nowdays woman who 'use drugs' for deliver - ususally just get an 'epidural'-- a shot of pain killer in the lower spine, that relaxes (paralizes) voluntary muscles, and doesn't interfer with uterine contractions. natural deliver is a bit more popular that it was, but i still think only a minority of women chose to go that way.. i did, for my second child, i didn't even have novicane for the epeisiotomy repair.. (deliver was a bit prolonged, and the small shot given to make the cut had long since worn off)