I finally saw Monty Python and the Holy Grail this past summer and laughed my head off.

I'm a sucker for Night of the Living Dead any night in October.

Extreme guilt: "Folks" with Tom Selleck--and my daughter. Somehow when the two of us watch this not-very-good movie together, we cannot stop laughing.

I would curl up with a rat and watch "White Christmas" any cold night in December, but I'd only feel guilty about the rat and not the movie, so I guess this one doesn't count.

Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers--corny stories acted with wit and grace. Love every single one I've ever seen.

I suppose what I feel guiltiest about are the number of horribly made horror movies I've seen, and many of those I've stopped halfway through because I was embarrassing myself to watch them. But driving home weary on a Friday night after a hard week at school, I find it sometimes hard to resist the temptation to stop by the video store and check out a stack of horror movies--ants, rats, scorpions, snakes, demented young men, demented old people, screwed-up hackers and wackers. After staying up late Friday night watching them, perhaps nothing that occurred in the week at school that just went by seems so bad by comparison.