as i told moss privately, i am not going to vie for the last word in the urbanility thread.

what ever moss has done in the past should be left in the past... and as for the more recent thread.. Moss has been in my opinion, guilty of wearing a big red button, careful labled, DO NOT PUSH, and several people have been guilty of not been able to resist temptation, and have pushed it!

We can continue to hash thing out there, i suppose, but unlike moss, a self proclaimed omegist, i am a alpha female, and i'm starting post (i don't really care who has the last word!) great thing about starting a post, there can be no discussion about who did it!

meanwhile in the above paragraph.. i puzzled over i am a alpha female,-- normally, a word starting with a vowel would take an, not a-- but a (a really NY swcha a) is uh.. and uh alpha sounds fine.. uh apple doesn't, it needs an but i am uh alpha sounds fine..

any other words that start with vowels, that don't need to take an that you can think of?---or is my 'ear' out it?