When I was younger I read a couple of books, by an Englishman abroad (?), who later moved to England and continued writing these works - scathingly satirical and mind-sharpeningly funny. His name: Tom Sharpe. Perhaps most famous these days for Wilt, Blott on the Landscape and Porterhouse Blue.

His first two books, however, Riotous Assembly and Indecent Exposure were set in South Africa/modern Namibia/modern Zimbabwe, and I recall (I think it was in the first book?) that the Donford Yates-reading 'English' expats there had hahas. At least, there was a moment in the book when someone fell into the haha, which had been dug so deep and wide it was a hazard to life and limb - for everybody.

The peerless Terry PRatchett, of course, has the Patrician sitting on his lawn, casually sending the leader of the Assassin's Guild into a haha designed by Berghold Stuttley (Bloody Stupid) Johnson, that was so large it was no longer a haha, but a hoho. So there are hahas on Discworld.

Any South Africans here to confirm fictional sightings of hahas in the Rainbow Nation?


the sunshine warrior