
I certainly realize that ejaculations can be verbal! Lord, what do you take me for?

However, after moving from suburbs to ejaculations, I just was so amused that I couldn't hold my laughter. And, you know? We were working after school, Friday afternoon, and were happy to be working--both of us. We pulled down maps, books, wrote, tried all kinds of combinations--and we worked a long, productive period of time. Things were coming together in this our second Friday afternoon of after-school sessions. Forgive me for being human, but I just couldn't help it. And he was as amused at me for being spontaneous rather than the usually under-control being my more pedigogical persona is.

Let me immediately put on my pince-nez and purse my lips and return to suburbs and ejaculations and adverbs and interjections with complete fastidiousness and congratulate him on his synonym for interjection. Lord, this suit of steel wool feels good.