In reply to:

I think UK and NZ English are at one on this - "broil" = "grill"

Oh no they're not, me old son!

I've never heard other UK people use the word "broil" - and if they did, they would probably consider it closer to "boil" than "grill", just because of the sound.

Please pardon the delay in replying, I had to hunt around for a shop selling sackcloth and ashes. My post was ineptly worded. Your reply proves the point I intended to make - that NZ and UK English treat "broil" the same way. When I first saw the word, I had no idea what it meant, and assumed it was some sort of boiling. Then I came across it in contexts which suggested to me that it was more like grilling. As I was of the impression that "grill" is widely used in UK English, as it is here, I posted that "broil = grill." I hope this incident has shown why one should never ask me to write anything in which unambiguous clarity of meaning is critical.