>would I find a cabinet like mine in Wales? Its sold in US as "Welsh dresser"

That would be Mrs Catherine Zeta Jones Douglas.

I do have a Welsh dresser and I once lived in Wales. Unusually this may be a rare "correct" example.http://www.decibel.co.uk/ceramicsjournal/journal001/welsh/welsh3.htm

On the other hand. I posted a little while ago that I had never seen an "English muffin" until I went to New York. I am also suspicious of "Belgian waffles" - we just call them waffles and I can't remember seeing them as any kind of speciality in Belgium (although I'm willing to be corrected). The Netherlands specialise in pancakes, so I suppose Belgium must make waffles.

We have several brands labelled as "American" when the closest the product (eg rather indifferent ice cream, not Hagen Das or Ben & Jerries) has been to America is that the person who made it has a distant relative there.