well only if you allow for cheese danish-- and not poppy seed or prune..

and what about what "a NY steak" commonly known in NY as a London Broil-- and what do londoners call that cut of meat? (and what cut is it? i dunno. Daddy was a butcher, and I never learned how to by meat i just placed orders)

and knish, which is dough stuffed with various substances they are basicly Potato (with some variations, like potato and onion) and kasha. One kasha knish and you don't need (and can't!) eat again for a week. a little kasha goes a long way

*Kasha is buckwheat groats. **groat--hulled grain broken into fragments larger than grits.

Okay Jackie how big is a grit? groats (uncooked) about 1/4 a grain of large grained rice. (such as a carolina rice), about 1/3 the size of a medium (Italian) grained rice and not as fat around as a short grained sticky Chinese rice grain! so about 1/3 the size of the Chinese rice too.

Good for breakfast, or mixed with Pasta, or ground into flour, to make buckwheat pancakes--either with straight buchwheat flour, or mixed with white flour.