What about the word "Potty" meaning "daft" (less strong than stupid, more like silly). Does that translate?
Or you are driving me potty? (driving me mad/making me irritated)
I'm potty about him. (in love)

understood, but never used to my knowledge this side of the pond... we don't use potted or potty that way..
the only thing we talk about being potted is a plant.(the potted plant fell from is precarious spot on the window ledge, and hit a pedestrian on the walk!)

and in addition to canned laughter, a politian might deliver a 'canned speach', especially if on the campaigne trail.. the same speach in every town, with one or two lines changed to make it seem 'specific' to this town, this towns problems. (if it was written , it would be in a form letter!)