Hiya BA. Is it worth looking around at websites like this kind of one for ideas?


Even if you immediately discard most, you may get an interesting idea or two that would be manageable IRL without computer mediation. You could also try a panel-game type version of our Hogwash, with zany and plausibly mad mutiple definitions of selected words.

For poetry based fun, how about printing out a couple of poems that the group know/like/hate, then slicing and dicing the lines to make new poems, perhaps in two teams? Or, harder, one team set the other a well-known story (eg, Red Riding Hood) with the task of relating it in the general style of a printed poem offered as a sample (for example something by Keats)? I am sure Juan and Wordwind and others will come in with some muchbetter ideas, but maybe this'll get the other sleepyheads to help you ;)

Good luck - great initiative!