charientism n. - a gracefully veiled insult This is from "Luciferous Logolepsy". Onelook found only 3 places that have this word; the above, the Grandiloquent Dictionary, and...ta-daaaaaah! Our own tsuwm's site, and I may say that his version is much better:
(from Gr. charientismus, expression of an unpleasant thing in an agreeable manner)
[obs] a gracefully veiled insult

I'm not sure that I agree that all of the examples cited fit the definition of the word.
And here, I give further proof of my ignorance, no doubt, but charientismus just doesn't strike me as being Greek. Dunno what I would have guessed, but it would have taken me a while to get to Greek, I think.

And yes, Dr. Bill, I see your point about using a complicated word where a simpler one would do, like the avail/take comment in the other thread.