AUGH! I've been wanting to know the REAL lyrics for this line SOOOOOOOO badly, and:
Correct Lyrics:
"Wrapped up like a deuce, another runner in the night."
Correct Lyrics:
"Revved up like a deuce, another runner in the night."
Correct Lyrics:
"Wrapped up like a deuce, another motor in the night."
Correct Lyrics:
"Wrapped up like a deuce, you know the runner in the night"
Correct Lyrics:
"Wrapped up like the deuce Another runner in the night."
Correct Lyrics:
"Wrapped up like a deuce The runner in the night."

Shoot--I remember that these are called mondegreens because somebody or likely several somebodies, "heard" Lady Mondegreen where the actual words were 'laid him on the green'. But I can't remember the song or the artist.