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I was referring to English v's/w's, of course.

I suspected as much, that's why I appended the . I am intrigued by the English pronunciation of "w", as it appears to be unique among the European languages with which I have come in contact. I vonder vhether anybody knows vhere it comes from, or vhy ve say it the vay ve do?
Did your earlier comment mean that English speople speaking Latin pronounce the letter "v" in the same way that they pronounce the letter "w" in English? I have never learned Latin, but the few phrases I have heard with a "v" in them were not pronounced as though they were spelled with an English "w" - "vene, vidi, vici" doesn't come out as "wene, widi, wici". Or do you mean that "v" and "w" have different values in Latin, but are pronounced identically by English speakers of Latin?
I hope that you can bear with me, as this is an interesting subject, even if one that appears to be straining my limited comprehension. Thanks