oh let people get married if they want too, and call it all marriage, if you give it a different name then people will think it is a different thing and it's not. As for procreation, no one still thinks that do they? I've never heard that outside of period dramas. Does that mean childless couples aren't really married? What about barren ones who adopt? Sperm donor pregnancies? Invitro's?

(rant)I don't know why you have to have a whole ritual thing anyway. Can't you just sign a piece of paper? I'd prefer that, I've been living over the broom for three years now, my partner periodically asks me to marry him and the answer's always going to be no because: oh Jesus, what a nightmare, a whole day with all of my family, a big white dress (eurrgh) and I'm paying? Christmas is bad enough.(/rant)