
TIGNON. s. m. Il se dit, en parlant des femmes, De la partie des cheveux qui est derrière la tête. Tignon relevé. Tignon bien frisé.
TIGNON, se prend aussi quelquefois, pour Toute la coiffure des femmes du peuple. Ces harangères se sont arrachées le tignon.


timbe - nothing on search. perhaps typo for “timbre”
5Fr, timbre, earlier, sound of a bell < MFr, ball struck by a hammer < OFr, a kind of drum < LGr tymbanon < Gr tympanon: see TYMPAN6 the characteristic quality of sound that distinguishes one voice or musical instrument from another or one vowel sound from another: it is determined by the harmonics of the sound and is distinguished from the intensity and pitch
tim4bral 73br!l8
timber, timberline, timbery, tin (!!!)

tinctured - in pharmacology, a tincture is an alcoholic solution of a medication. Not seen any more tincture of iodine used to be used to prevent infection of cuts, abatrsions, etc. “tinctured” can mean “tinted”

tinderbox - Before matches were invented it was necessary to have a small amount of readily flammable material
which could be ignited by a spark, from flint and steel. Now “tinderbox” would most likely be used as a metaphor, indicating that something was a serious fire hazard.

tiniest, tintinabulum,

tiponi - apparently a typo

tipsy, tiresome,

tirralirra (n.) A verbal imitation of a musical sound, as of the note of a lark or a horn.

5ME < L < Gr (pl. Titanes)6
1 old poet. name for HELIOS
2 the largest of the satellites of Saturn: the only one in the solar system known to have a permanent atmosphere
1 Gr. Myth. any of a race of giant deities who are overthrown by the Olympian gods
2 [t3] any person or thing of great size or power
tithable, subject to tithe, a tax of ten percent


Titoism - eponymic of former dictator of Jugoslavia

tittuppy - nonthing to do with mammary glands


1 city in central Italy, near Rome: pop. 43,000
2 famous recreational & cultural garden center in Copenhagen, Denmark

tizzy - state of emotional upset

tjaele - looks like another badword typo


tocusso - nothing found

tofu - soy bean curd tasteless but nutricious

5Fr: see prec.6 a sheer linen or cotton fabric

toluene - a derivative of benzene with one methyl group

pl. 3los 5AmSp, dim of tomate, TOMATO6
1 a small, round fruit with a papery husk, used as a vegetable in Mexican cooking: yellow to purple when ripe, but cooked when green
2 the plant (Physalis ixocarpa) on which this fruit grows

pl. 3los# 5It < L tumulus, a mound: see TUMULUS6 a bar of sand or other sediment tying an island to the mainland or another island

tomfoolery, tonality, tonetics, tonic