The only peculiarities that you may iron out are those of actual letter formation.
My apologies for using entirely the wrong word - it ain't orthography and I can't for the life of me think what the right one is (product of advancing years and receding levels in the glass of worthington) - what I mean is the shape of the letters, which has changed quite dramatically over the past 250 years.
Indeed at least one letter has disappeared completely - thorn - which looked like a "Y" and stood for the "th" sound. This is, of course the origin of "Ye Olde Tea Shoppe", which really and truly should be pronounced "THe Olde - - ." But that would take away some of the fun for tourists, and it is an easily recognised icon for something that relies on our "heritage" (ugh!!! ) for its marketing strategy. So lets keep the "wiy" sound for their sakes. I might even get some research funding out of it!