What! take good whiskey and dilute it? Apple juice? the correct way to drink whiskey is neat--if on the rocks, quickly, let the ice chill it, but not melt and dilute it. (why haven't we moved to freezing all alcohol? I mean, i store my vodka in the freezer, but not Jack Daniels-- well maybe i should...)

If you have to have a mixed drink, you mix your alcohol with other alcohols-- make a martini (a drop of vermouth) or a manhattan (vermouth again) or a black russian--vodka and kualua... now there is a drink, strong alcohol mixed with strong alcohol! none of the mincing pansy stuff of vermouth.
I never could understand why you'd mix any whiskey worth drinking with fruit juice! The only reason the english did it was to get the sailors to drink the lime juice.. they knew it would be drunk if mixed with a bit of rum.
and as for drinking water-- din ye never see the insides of pipes?

(actually i love the local water--- NYC water is great)