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L'ex portantino di un ospedale inglese, oggi cinquantaduenne, partecipa occasionalmente a film di fantascienza di serie Z e a telefilm. Ha avuto un piccolo ruoto (come guardia del corpo di Hotblack Desiato) nella riduzione televisiva della Guida Galattica per gli Autostoppisti.

Hi Father Steve ... From the post title (Hotblack Desiato) - thanks for the correction; it's probably 15 years since I read the book - plus the occasion word picked out of the text, I would assume that your Italian post has something to do with the HHGTTG series. It is unique, of course, in that there are five books in the trilogy. But my Italian has never progressed much beyond "spaghetti", "ravioli" and other grastronomic terms, so I'd appreciate it if you'd translate it into English!

The idiot also known as Capfka ...