(Speaking of which, I just checked Max's gift and learned that you are 18 hours ahead of me, so you are already in tomorrow!)

Well, we have to be world leaders in something! It used to be rugby, but after Saturday's match, hmmm. Time seems to be as good as anything else.

BUT--if I recall last week's paper correctly, the
GUTENBERG ARTIFACTS are now at our main library!
And I'll be there!

Good old Gutey! I'm a printer by trade from way back, so he's something of an icon for me. I always thought he was a bit of a cunning so-and-so setting up shop in a church crypt. Bit difficult to get slammed for heresy under the circumstances, something a lot of his contemporaries or successors didn't avoid.

I wonder if the exhibition that's hit Old Caintuck is the same one I saw in Njimegen in Holland in, I think, 1997 ...

The idiot also known as Capfka ...