My dear, sweet shanks--

As I said, I adore the way I've heard people from India speak English! Oh, the lilting-ness!! [if there were an icon for 'deep pleasure', I'd put it here!] But I understand, your concern is not to be embarrassed.

I have no problem pronouncing any of the words you mention--but keep in mind, how I say them may not be how other
Americans say them. (And, do I care? Not at the moment!)

Veterinary: just how it looks--VEH-ter-ih-nary.
Colliery: CALL-yer-ee
Arbitrarily: ar-bih-TRAR-ih-lee. Oh, and
Veterinarian: also just how it looks: veh-ter-ih-NAR-ee-un.

Perhaps I'm rather insistent on saying all the syllables due to a leftover from my childhood: my mother often said,
"straw-breeze" for strawberries, and my stubbornness kicked in an instant rejection of shortenings of that type.
That just kicked in another childhood memory: in season, a street vendor used to wheel his cart around the neighborhood, and I'd hear his deep voice bellowing:
"Stee-RAW-berries, strawberries".