i have a cousin who is a gear head-- i like him, but rarely talk to him (he lives in MI, and he is always talking cars) i visited him last year on my way to lansing,and surprised the hell out of him when he started to explain what he did -he test engines --he has sensor on engines, one meauring each part of the cycle (four stroke cycle) and he though he would have to explain that to me.. but i knew, intake, compression, ignigtion and exhaust.

he run the engines as i said, taking 4 reading per cycle, at 3600 cycles per minute, and then has fun number crunching the engines performances.. (that is 4(strokes) X 36000(cycles per minute) X 20 (minutes)= a mind boggling number of bits of info to analize..) and he thinks he is the luckiest guy in the world, since he get paid to do this work!