Very interesting problem posed here, both legally and lexicographically.

Would someone please explain to me why the corporation attorneys want to jump on generic use of their product? In what ways would it be harmful to do so? I would think having your product be the first and foremost that people think of would be beneficial and not contrarily so. If people think, "I need to buy some Kleenex," well, wouldn't they be more inclined to buy, first and foremost, Kleenex rather than off brands? I'd take advantage of the fact in advertising: "Super Summer Bonus Sale! Buy the real Kleenex on Sale!"

And I would think Google would be honored to appear in the dictionary. So where would the harm be in having this search engine be the first one in everyone's minds?

Also: I liked the suggestion someone made above about including the copyright information into the dictionary. Seemed a practical way around the problem.

And: Why can't writers use product names in their articles? That seems absurd to me.