And if you're from Boston then you live in Ameriker! I know 'cause I had a German teacher for 3 years in high school who had a thick Bawston accent. Fun!

The best pizza I *ever tasted was on the North End of Boston. Someone said they use the Neopolitan style of cooking there. And the crust was scrumptious!

Don't ever pronounce Worcester like the sauce in Massachusetts! It's Wooster! A cardinal sin there almost as bad as saying Noo OR-leans in Loosiana (it's Nyawlins...and they'll let ya know it, even in the middle of Mardi Gras!) Mass. folks will let you know it, too!...repeatedly.

The best home run I ever saw hit was at Fenway Park when Bucky Dent inexplicably connected in the '78 one-game playoff between the Red Sox and Yankees, God bless him!