This thread began with a question about the use of the word "compositing" in film credits. From there, without answering the question, the thread veered through some thoughts about British politics, trade unionism, burglary (and interesting transition from unionism to burlgary), the importance of reading the credits as they scroll by at the end of the movie, out-takes from movies, to recommendations of movies fit for adults.

Then came the saviour: TEd. He referred us to a website where the class notes for a study of electronic editing are posted, which reveals the following:

"Compositing: A method for combining two or more images in a way that approximates the intervisibility of the scenes that gave rise to those images. Ideally, the combined image looks exactly like the image that would have arisen fom combining the scenes."

I rather thought this had something to do with arranging the little white letters in the credits; I was quite wrong. I have learned a new thing, thanks to TEd's willingness to return to the original question.

[I'm also trying to think of a way to use "intervisibility" in conversation.)