
Note what I said about a second-rate state :)

As to control of the Senate: If you can see Democrats and Republicans meeting at the center of the aisle to vote without party affiliation for the chairs of the standing Senate committees, I'd like to have some of whatever it is you're smoking. This election has polarized the country to the extent that bipartisanship isn't even going to be spoken about, let alone practiced.

And McCain, whom I would have voted for because of his outstanding moral qualities, is so far right of center he makes Attila the Hun seem moderate.

Party will out, Jazz. I don't say I like it, but the VP will rule in DC for a while.

Interestingly enough, the new Senate takes over January 4. Al Gore will be President of the Senate until noon on January 20. For 15 days the majority (fifty plus the Veep's tie-breaker) will be Democratic, but thereafter, as things stand now, Dick Cheney will be casting the deciding vote. My prediction anyway.