cambric tea. sweet tea for children
I remember reading Beatrix Potter's "Tale of Peter Rabbit" to my girls. Remember, because of his tummy ache
from eating too much in Mr. McGregor's garden, his mother
gave him cambric tea.
Camelopardalis. Constellation near the Big Dipper
cameral. Judge’s chamber/council
camerlingo. The cardinal who manages the Pope’s affairs
camion. Low sturdy wagon, truck
camisa. Shirt or chemise
camisado. Night attack (wore camisas)
camise. House shirt or tunic
camlet. Rich cloth of camel’s hair and silk
Camlan. Legendary battlefield where King Arthur was mortally wounded.
Camorra. Neopolitan secret society.
campanile. Bell tower
campanula. Bellflowers
campanulate. Bell-shaped
campestral. Pertaining to growing in open fields
campestrian. Great Northern plains
campion. Red, pink, or white flowers
campylotropous. Ovule partly inverted and curved
canaliculus. A small bodily channel, like a tear duct.
cancellous. (To make a lattice) Netlike structure (bone)
cancroid. Like a cancer or crab.
candent. White-hot
candleberry. Wax myrtle
candlepin. Slender bowling pin.
canescent. Turning white or grayish
canicular. Pertaining to Dog Star
canna. Tropical plant, showy red or yellow flowers.
cannula. Tubular bodily-fluid drain
canopic. Egyptian
canorous. Melodious
cant. Argot; also, whining, affected or sententious speech; tilted
Cantabrigian. Cambridge
cantabile. Smooth flowing style