debarrass [a. F. débarrass-er,]
trans. To disembarrass; to disencumber from anything that embarrasses.
1789 T. Jefferson Writ. (1859) III. 97 So as to debarrass themselves of this. 1792 W. Roberts Looker-on (1794) I. 390 To debarrass its motions, and to display its attractions. 1796 Ld. Sheffield in Ld. Auckland's Corr. (1862) III. 348 If the armies of France should be debarrassed from all other enemies. 1848 C. Brontë J. Eyre x, I was debarrassed of interruption. 1853 Reade Chr. Johnstone 165 Jean Carnie, who debarrassed her of certain wrappers.