Find the set and the odd man out.
make some of your own....

Monkey		Swim		Pony		Rhinoceros

Robinson Racheal Aaron Ruth

Swede Afghan Maltese Boxer

Hazel Brown Temple Auburn

French Spanish Italian Ranch

Bacon Lamb Veal Pope

Christmas Easter Thanksgiving Java

Boone Checker Domino Marble

Swiss American Cheddar United

Prince Double Queen King

the set.. well, there are two sets in each case:
dances/animals(rhino's /swim)

homerun hitters/biblical names (Ruth/Robinson)
nationalities/breed of dogs(Boxer/Swede)
colors/colleges (US)(Temple/Hazel)
nationalities/salad dressings(Ranch/Spanish)
edible meats/authors(Pope/Veal)
Holidays/islands (Java/Thanksgiving)
rock'n roll singers/games(Marbles/Boone)
Royalty/bedding sizes(Double/Prince)