>should I go along with current threads and should I mention such "errors" to people who make them?

A few of us (including some of the most guilty – moi?), agreed a while ago that we wouldn't go around correcting each other’s errors. There were two reasons (a) Too many of us type this stuff rather rapidly, either early in the morning or late at night to be able to guarantee no typos or spelling errors. The spell-checker is US-centric at best (and eccentric) at worst, so some of us can't be bothered using it. (b) We include in our number some serious pedants - it goes with the territory, if we corrected every error we may not get too far discussing anything and we'd scare off any newcomers.

If you think an error is worth mentioning then a private message is fine, if you dare. That allows the person to either correct their error or explain their logic in using the term. We've discovered that many, so called "errors" - (which may, or may not, include momentarily and orientate) are little more than regional variations. Occasionally there are a few posts that point out errors and cause some amusement.